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The Latest Free Bet Offers in the UK

{"features":{"2":{"id":2,"name":"Casino","offers":[6192,473,3638,489,522,471,509,487,531,500,249,458,526,461,455,518,202,448,505,493]},"4":{"id":4,"name":"Cashout","offers":[6192,473,3638,489,522,471,509,487,531,500,249,458,526,461,455,518,202,448,505,493]},"5":{"id":5,"name":"Bet Builder","offers":[6192,489,522,471,509,500,249,458,526,518,505,493]},"6":{"id":6,"name":"Betting App","offers":[6192,473,3638,489,522,471,509,487,500,249,458,526,461,455,202,505,493]},"1":{"id":1,"name":"Betting Exchanges","offers":[473]},"3":{"id":3,"name":"Live Stream","offers":[473,489,522,500,526,455,493]}},"min_deposit":{"6192":"10","473":"1","3638":"5","489":"10","522":"10","471":"5","509":"10","487":"10","531":"10","500":"5","249":"10","458":"10","526":"10","461":"5","455":"5","518":"10","202":"5","448":"10","505":"5","493":"10"},"payment_methods":{"6200":{"id":6200,"name":"Debit 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20 Results
9.8 5 Stars Review

Bet £10 And Get £60 In Free Bets

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New cust only. 7 days to opt in by placing a £10 qualifying bet at 1/1 (2.0) odds or greater to receive 6x Free Bets: 3 x £10 horse racing, 1 x £10 Bet Builder, 1 x £10 Acca and 1 x £10 football. 7 day expiry. Exclusions apply. Stake not returned. 18+. T&Cs apply. 18+

New cust only. 7 days to opt in by placing a £10 qualifying bet at 1/1 (2.0) odds or greater to receive 6x Free Bets: 3 x £10 horse racing, 1 x £10 Bet Builder, 1 x £10 Acca and 1 x £10 football. 7 day expiry. Exclusions apply. Stake not returned. 18+. <a class="c-link" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-stringify-link="" data-sk="tooltip_parent">T&Cs apply</a>. 18+ <a class="c-link" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-stringify-link="" data-sk="tooltip_parent"></a>.

18/06/24 Date Posted

Bet £10 Get £40 in Free Bets

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18+ Spread betting losses can exceed deposit. Place a qualifying £10 fixed odds bet at odds of 1/2 or greater. Qualifying bet cannot be placed in-play or cashed out early. Free bet stakes not included in any winnings from the free fixed odds bets. Free bets expire in 28 days if unused.

18+ <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a>. Spread betting losses can exceed deposit. Place a qualifying £10 fixed odds bet at odds of 1/2 or greater. Qualifying bet cannot be placed in-play or cashed out early. Free bet stakes not included in any winnings from the free fixed odds bets. Free bets expire in 28 days if unused.

29/08/22 Date Posted
498 Codes claimed
9.8 5 Stars Review

Bet £10, Get £50 in Bonuses (£40 Free Bets + 50 Free Spins)

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New customers online only. Eligibility restrictions apply. Only valid with code B10G50 on registration. £/€10 min qualifying bet at 1/1 (2.0) odds or greater across sports or racing (if EW then min £10 Win + £/€10 Place). Receive £/€20 Tote Credit, £/€20 Free Sports Bet and 50 Free Spins on Big Bass Bonanza within 48 hours of qualifying bet settlement. 7-day expiry on free bets & Tote Credit. Your first bet will be your qualifying bet. One per customer. UK & ROI customers only. 18+. Full T&Cs apply. Full T&Cs apply.

New customers online only. Eligibility restrictions apply. Only valid with code B10G50 on registration. £/€10 min qualifying bet at 1/1 (2.0) odds or greater across sports or racing (if EW then min £10 Win + £/€10 Place). Receive £/€20 Tote Credit, £/€20 Free Sports Bet and 50 Free Spins on Big Bass Bonanza within 48 hours of qualifying bet settlement. 7-day expiry on free bets & Tote Credit. Your first bet will be your qualifying bet. One per customer. UK & ROI customers only. 18+. Full T&Cs apply. <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a>. Full T&Cs apply.

22/11/22 Date Posted
489 Codes claimed
9.7 5 Stars

Get £50 in Free Bets When You Bet £10

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New 18+ UK customers only. Register with SUMMER50 between 31/05/24 – 14/07/24. First bet £10+ at Evens (2.0)+ on Sports within 7 days to get 3 x £10 in Sports Free Bets & 2 x £10 in Acca Free Bets within 10 hours of settlement. 7-day expiry. Eligibility & payment exclusions apply. Full T&Cs apply.

New 18+ UK customers only. Register with SUMMER50 between 31/05/24 – 14/07/24. First bet £10+ at Evens (2.0)+ on Sports within 7 days to get 3 x £10 in Sports Free Bets & 2 x £10 in Acca Free Bets within 10 hours of settlement. 7-day expiry. Eligibility & payment exclusions apply. Full T&Cs apply.

29/08/22 Date Posted
9.7 5 Stars

£35 Free Bet + 10 Free Spins

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If your account has Sportsbook losses at the end of your first day's betting, QuinnBet will refund 50% of your losses as a Free Bet up to £35 (min 3 bets) Plus 10 Free online casino spins at QuinnCasino. Even if your account is up, you're guaranteed a £5 Free Bet Plus 10 Free Spins provided you place at least 1 bet of £10 or greater at the minimum odds. T&Cs apply | 18+ New UK Customers Only | | Gamble Responsibly

If your account has Sportsbook losses at the end of your first day's betting, QuinnBet will refund 50% of your losses as a Free Bet up to £35 (min 3 bets) Plus 10 Free online casino spins at QuinnCasino. Even if your account is up, you're guaranteed a £5 Free Bet Plus 10 Free Spins provided you place at least 1 bet of £10 or greater at the minimum odds. T&Cs apply | 18+ New UK Customers Only | | Gamble Responsibly

29/08/22 Date Posted

Bet £10, Get £30 in Free Bets

Claim Offer
T&Cs apply. New cust only. Deposit & Place a Bet within 7 days, and settle a £10 minimum bet at odds of 4/5 (1.8) or greater, to be credited with 3x £10 Free Bets: 1 x £10 Horse Racing, 1 x £10 Free Bet Builder and 1 x £10 Football. 7 day expiry. Stake not returned. 18+

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">T&Cs apply</a>. New cust only. Deposit & Place a Bet within 7 days, and settle a £10 minimum bet at odds of 4/5 (1.8) or greater, to be credited with 3x £10 Free Bets: 1 x £10 Horse Racing, 1 x £10 Free Bet Builder and 1 x £10 Football. 7 day expiry. Stake not returned. 18+ <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a>

29/08/22 Date Posted
307 Codes claimed
9.5 5 Stars

Bet £10, Get £30 Free Bet + £10 Casino Bonus

Claim Offer
#ad • 18+ • New customer offer • Min deposit £10 with promo code: GET40 • A qualifying bet is a ‘real money’ stake of at least £10 using Bet Builder • Min odds 2/1 (3.0) • Free Bets credited upon qualifying bet settlement, expire after 3 days and valid for football markets only • Free Bet stakes not included in returns • Withdrawal restrictions, payment methods, country & full T&C’s apply.• BeGambleAware

#ad • 18+ • New customer offer • Min deposit £10 with promo code: GET40 • A qualifying bet is a ‘real money’ stake of at least £10 using Bet Builder • Min odds 2/1 (3.0) • Free Bets credited upon qualifying bet settlement, expire after 3 days and valid for football markets only • Free Bet stakes not included in returns • Withdrawal restrictions, payment methods, country & <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">full T&C’s apply</a>.• <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">BeGambleAware</a>

29/08/22 Date Posted

50% of First Day Losses Back As a Free Bet Up To £25

Claim Offer
New customer offer only. Must have a minimum of 3 bets of £10 at odds of evens (2.0) or bigger on first day. First day losses equals all settled stakes less all returns. Free bets must be used in their entirety and stakes are deducted from returns. If this promotion is withdrawn it will not impact any qualifying bet you have placed during promotional period

New customer offer only. Must have a minimum of 3 bets of £10 at odds of evens (2.0) or bigger on first day. First day losses equals all settled stakes less all returns. Free bets must be used in their entirety and stakes are deducted from returns. If this promotion is withdrawn it will not impact any qualifying bet you have placed during promotional period

29/08/22 Date Posted
726 Codes claimed

Bet £10 Get £30 Free Bet

Claim Offer
New players only. Minimum stake £ 10, minimum odds 2, stake not returned. 1X wagering the winnings from the free bet. Wagering occurs from real balance first. Wagering requirement is calculated on bonus bets only, wagering starts from real funds. Free bet is valid for 7 days from issue. Max conversion: £ 200. Excluded Skrill deposits. Withdrawal requests voids all active/pending bonuses. Full Terms Apply

New players only. Minimum stake £ 10, minimum odds 2, stake not returned. 1X wagering the winnings from the free bet. Wagering occurs from real balance first. Wagering requirement is calculated on bonus bets only, wagering starts from real funds. Free bet is valid for 7 days from issue. Max conversion: £ 200. Excluded Skrill deposits. Withdrawal requests voids all active/pending bonuses. Full Terms Apply

29/08/22 Date Posted
9.6 5 Stars

Bet £10 Get £20 In Free Bets

Claim Offer
*New UK customers (Excluding NI) mobile only. £20 in FREE Bets (FB) as £10 in sports bets & a £10 casino bonus (CB). Min stake £10. Min odds Evs. FB applied on 1st settlement of any qualifying bet. FB 7 day expiry. 1 FB offer per customer, household & IP address only. Payment restrictions. 14 days to accept £10 CB, then active for 3 days. CB 5x wagering & max redeemable £100. Game restrictions apply. Cashed out/Free Bets won’t apply. 30 days to qualify. 18+. T&Cs apply

*New UK customers (Excluding NI) mobile only. £20 in FREE Bets (FB) as £10 in sports bets & a £10 casino bonus (CB). Min stake £10. Min odds Evs. FB applied on 1st settlement of any qualifying bet. FB 7 day expiry. 1 FB offer per customer, household & IP address only. Payment restrictions. 14 days to accept £10 CB, then active for 3 days. CB 5x wagering & max redeemable £100. Game restrictions apply. Cashed out/Free Bets won’t apply. 30 days to qualify. 18+. T&Cs apply

29/08/22 Date Posted

Bet £10 Get £30 in Free Bets + 100 Free Spins

Claim Offer
18+ New customers only. Opt in, bet £10 at odds 2.00+ within 7 days, no cashout. Get 3x £10 Free Bets, set events at odds 2.00+. Plus 100 Free Spins on Fishin’ Frenzy, no wagering. Free Bets and Spins expire in 7 days. Card payments only. T&Cs apply. Please gamble responsibly.

18+ New customers only. Opt in, bet £10 at odds 2.00+ within 7 days, no cashout. Get 3x £10 Free Bets, set events at odds 2.00+. Plus 100 Free Spins on Fishin’ Frenzy, no wagering. Free Bets and Spins expire in 7 days. Card payments only. T&Cs apply. Please gamble responsibly.

24/08/22 Date Posted
9.5 5 Stars

£30 Matched Free Bet if your first Acca loses

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*New UK customers only. This offer is valid for 7 days from your new account being registered. Min Deposit: £5. Maximum Free Bet: £30. First bet on a Football or Horse Racing multiple with 3+ selections. Overall odds: 3.00 (2/1) or higher. Free Bets available upon settlement of the qualifying bet. Debit card deposits only (exclusions apply). Free Bet expires 7 days after credited. 18+. Bet The Responsible Way. Full terms apply.

*New UK customers only. This offer is valid for 7 days from your new account being registered. Min Deposit: £5. Maximum Free Bet: £30. First bet on a Football or Horse Racing multiple with 3+ selections. Overall odds: 3.00 (2/1) or higher. Free Bets available upon settlement of the qualifying bet. Debit card deposits only (exclusions apply). Free Bet expires 7 days after credited. 18+. Bet The Responsible Way. Full terms apply.

28/08/22 Date Posted

Bet £50 and Get £25 in Free Bets + 10 Free Spins

Claim Offer
New customers only, aged 18+. Min deposit £10. Place a £50 bet on any sport at at odds of Evens (2.0) or greater to qualify for three free bets on settlement: £10 on Football, £10 on Greyhound and £5 on Virtual Sports, plus 10 Free Spins on Reel King. Free Bet & Spins expire in 7 days. Additional T&Cs apply. Please bet responsibly.

New customers only, aged 18+. Min deposit £10. Place a £50 bet on any sport at at odds of Evens (2.0) or greater to qualify for three free bets on settlement: £10 on Football, £10 on Greyhound and £5 on Virtual Sports, plus 10 Free Spins on Reel King. Free Bet & Spins expire in 7 days. <a class="general-link" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Additional T&Cs apply</a>. Please bet responsibly.

29/08/22 Date Posted
9.5 5 Stars

Bet £10 Get £30 Surprise Bet

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New customers & 18+ only. Min. deposit of £10. Qualifying real money bet of £10. Min odds greater than or equal to 1.5 required. E/W bets excluded. Offer awarded immediately but could be issued the next working day in exceptional circumstances such as technical fault. Additional T&Cs apply. Please gamble responsibly

New customers & 18+ only. Min. deposit of £10. Qualifying real money bet of £10. Min odds greater than or equal to 1.5 required. E/W bets excluded. Offer awarded immediately but could be issued the next working day in exceptional circumstances such as technical fault. Additional T&Cs apply. Please gamble responsibly

28/08/22 Date Posted

Regular price boosts on big events

Claim Offer
*New members. Offer not available 15/04/23. £10 min deposit & bet on sportsbook, placed & settled at 1.5 min odds within 14 days of sign-up. Win part of E/W bets. 2 non-withdrawable £10 Free Bet Tokens: accept in 7 days, valid for 7 days from crediting (ex. E/Ws & Multiples), stakes not returned. Click here for Rules & Exclusions. Bet Responsibly. 18+

*New members. Offer not available 15/04/23. £10 min deposit & bet on sportsbook, placed & settled at 1.5 min odds within 14 days of sign-up. Win part of E/W bets. 2 non-withdrawable £10 Free Bet Tokens: accept in 7 days, valid for 7 days from crediting (ex. E/Ws & Multiples), stakes not returned. Click here for Rules & Exclusions. Bet Responsibly. 18+

28/08/22 Date Posted
9.7 5 Stars Review

Bet £10 Get £10 Free Bet

Claim Offer
This offer is for new customers only and is available once per household. Max. FreeBet amount: £10 Minimum Deposit and wagering on sport to activate the Free Bet is: £10 Void/cancelled or cashed out bets do not count towards wagering to activate the free bet. Offer valid only to customers making a first deposit of £10 or more.

This offer is for new customers only and is available once per household. Max. FreeBet amount: £10 Minimum Deposit and wagering on sport to activate the Free Bet is: £10 Void/cancelled or cashed out bets do not count towards wagering to activate the free bet. Offer valid only to customers making a first deposit of £10 or more.

29/08/22 Date Posted

Bet £10 & Get £20 In Free Bets

Claim Offer
18+ New UK Customers. Must bet £10 in total on 4+ legs, min odds 3/1 (4.0). £20 credited as Free Bets. Free Bets expire after 7 days, stake not returned. T&Cs apply.

18+ New UK Customers. Must bet £10 in total on 4+ legs, min odds 3/1 (4.0). £20 credited as Free Bets. Free Bets expire after 7 days, stake not returned. T&Cs apply.

24/08/22 Date Posted
Enhanced Odds
Live Streaming
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9.5 5 Stars

Bet £15 Get £15 Free Bet

Claim Offer
18+, Welcome Bonus: New Players only, 1st Deposit, Min Deposit,: £10, max £15 free bet valid for 14 days, bets must be placed at odds of 1/1 or greater and be settled within 14 days of placement. System bets not eligible. Neteller,Skrill and Paypal not eligible. T&Cs apply

18+, Welcome Bonus: New Players only, 1st Deposit, Min Deposit,: £10, max £15 free bet valid for 14 days, bets must be placed at odds of 1/1 or greater and be settled within 14 days of placement. System bets not eligible. Neteller,Skrill and Paypal not eligible. T&Cs apply

28/08/22 Date Posted

Deposit & Stake £10, Get £20 In Free Bets

Claim Offer
18+, UK only. Deposit and place a minimum £10 cash bet at single or accumulated odds of 1/1 or greater and we will give you 2 x £5 in free bets plus an extra 2 x £5 Free Bets and a £10 Casino Bonus with no wagering requirements the following day. Applies to first cash bet only. Free bets credited as 4 x £5 bets to use on 3x Any sport & 1x Virtuals. £10 Casino Bonus eligible to play on any Casino games. Cashed Out, Void or Draw No Bet wagers do not qualify for this promotion. 2 x £5 Free Bets are credited upon qualifying first bet settlement, other free bets and Casino Bonus credited by midday the day after your first bet settles. 7-day free bet and Casino Bonus expiry. Available once per customer. This offer cannot be combined with any other promotion. Full T&C's apply.

18+, UK only. Deposit and place a minimum £10 cash bet at single or accumulated odds of 1/1 or greater and we will give you 2 x £5 in free bets plus an extra 2 x £5 Free Bets and a £10 Casino Bonus with no wagering requirements the following day. Applies to first cash bet only. Free bets credited as 4 x £5 bets to use on 3x Any sport & 1x Virtuals. £10 Casino Bonus eligible to play on any Casino games. Cashed Out, Void or Draw No Bet wagers do not qualify for this promotion. 2 x £5 Free Bets are credited upon qualifying first bet settlement, other free bets and Casino Bonus credited by midday the day after your first bet settles. 7-day free bet and Casino Bonus expiry. Available once per customer. This offer cannot be combined with any other promotion. Full T&C's apply.

29/08/22 Date Posted

Bet £10 Get £20 in Free Bets

Claim Offer
*New members. Offer not available 15/04/23 £10 min deposit & bet on sportsbook, placed & settled at 1.5 min odds within 14 days of sign-up. Win part of E/W bets. 2 non-withdrawable £10 Free Bet Tokens: accept in 7 days, valid for 7 days from acceptance (ex. E/Ws & Multiples), stakes not returned. Rules & Exclusions apply. Bet Responsibly. T&Cs apply, 18+

*New members. Offer not available 15/04/23 £10 min deposit & bet on sportsbook, placed & settled at 1.5 min odds within 14 days of sign-up. Win part of E/W bets. 2 non-withdrawable £10 Free Bet Tokens: accept in 7 days, valid for 7 days from acceptance (ex. E/Ws & Multiples), stakes not returned. Rules & Exclusions apply. Bet Responsibly. T&Cs apply, 18+

29/08/22 Date Posted

Free Bets Compared

Our experts have put together the best free bets for UK punters today. From sports match deposits to free football bets, you can compare these offers at the best UK sports betting sites to ensure you’re getting the best deal.

Bookie Free Bet Amount Minimum Qualifying Bet Minimum Odds Bonus Code
betmgm Bet £10 and Get £60 in Free Bets £10 1/1 (2.0) No Code Required
SpreadEX NEW Bet £10 Get £40 in Free Bets £10 1/2 No Code Required
tote Bet £10, Get £50 in Bonuses (£40 Free Bets + 50 Free Spins) £10 1/1 (2.0) B10G50
logo betfred Get £50 in Free Bets When You Bet £10 £10 Evens (2.0) SUMMER50
logo quinnbet 1 £35 Free Bet + 10 Free Spins £10 Evens (2.0) No Code Required
betUK NEW Bet £10, Get £30 in Free Bets £10 4/5 (1.8) No Code Required
logo 888sport Bet £10, Get £30 Free Bet + £10 Casino Bonus £10 1/2 (1.5) GET40
betgoodwin NEW 50% of First Day Losses Back As a Free Bet Up To £25 £10 Evens (2.0) No Code Required
betstorm Bet £10 Get £30 Free Bet £10 Evens (2.0) BET30
logo boylesports Bet £10 Get £20 In Free Bets £10 Evens (2.0) No Code Required

Most free sports bets allow you to wager on a wide range of different events. Others, however, may be specific to a particular sport, such as free bets for horse racing. Always remember that you can register for multiple bookies and claim different offers as you see fit.

How Do Free Bets Work?

Bookmakers’ free bets and sign up offers let you place wagers without having to risk your own money. Incentives provided by sports betting sites to attract new customers – or in many cases, to retain or reward existing punters – come in several different shapes and sizes.

Free Bets Top Image

The one thing to remember with free bets UK punters are offered is that you keep the profit when you win. Conversely, you don’t lose your own money if you free bet is unsuccessful – it’s rare to get the free bet stake back, however.

If you receive a free bet offer, you’ll need to meet set terms and conditions to activate it. This may include depositing and betting a set amount at specified minimum odds within a set period of time.

How to Get Free Bets

Most online bookmakers in the UK offer free bets and bonuses that you can claim simply by joining their sites. Free bet sign up offers, for example, are generally open to new customers aged 18 and over.

Free Bets BF

When you have claimed and used your free bets, you could be entitled to other promotions. For example, Acca insurance, price boosts, and various loyalty offers may be available to you for meeting certain terms and conditions.

You could hypothetically have several accounts with different football betting sites online. Of course, this can give you access to several different promotions beyond new customer free bets. An easy way to find multiple offers in one go is to browse our list of the best bookie deals on this page.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Free Bet Promotions

You should weigh up the pros and cons before signing up for any deal at betting sites with free bets. Here’s a general breakdown of the advantages and disadvantages to consider.

  • Can Improve Your Chances of Making a Profit
  • Risk-Free Wagering Also Minimises Chances of Losing
  • Provides an Incentive to Sample a Site
  • Excellent for a Matched Betting Strategy
  • Can Sign up for Multiple Offers at Different Sites
  • Must Use Your Own Money to Unlock Free Bets
  • Most Free Bets Carry Minimum Odds
  • Free Bet Stakes are Not Returned in Winnings
  • Using Some Payment Methods Makes You Ineligible
  • May Deals Expire After a Set Time Period

How to Claim Free Bet Offers

The free bet sign up process is much easier than it was in years gone by. Most bookies use a similar format, asking you to complete an online form to register your details. It takes around five minutes to complete and claim your new customer offers and free bets.

Step 1 – Choose a Bookie

Select any of our recommended bookies with free bets to get started. Clicking on any of the offers will take you to that sports betting site where you can join them.

Free Bets BetMGM 1

Step 2 – Complete Their Registration Form

Hit the “Join” button or similar to open the online registration form. You’ll be asked for your email and to create a password and will then need to provide details including your name, date of birth, and postal address.

Free Bets BetMGM 2

Step 3 – Select Your Preferred Payment Method

Make sure that the payment method you chose from the available options allows you to claim that site’s welcome offer or free bets! If unsure, ask customer support before you register!

Free Bets BetMGM 3

Step 4 – Place Your Qualifying Bet

Before you can start betting free bets, you’ll need to deposit and place your initial wager according to the terms of the offer. These are available to view alongside the promotional details!

Free Bets BetMGM 5

Step 5 – Get Your Free Bets

When your qualifying wager has settled, you’ll receive your free bets in accordance with the timeframe specified in the T&Cs!

Free Bets BetMGM 4

Different Types of Free Bets

Signing up for a new site may entitle you to a free bet on registration or something similar. But these are only one type of free bet offers UK players can claim at top bookies across the country.

Sign Up Offers

The best free bets are usually those offered to new customers, such as Bet 10 Get 30 deals. There are also some alternatives to these generic free bets sign up deals, and you might be entitled to claim them when joining a new site.

Sign-Up Offer Types Description Example
Bet & Get Deposit Bonuses Bookies give you a free bet to a certain value when you bet a set amount. Bet £10 Get £30 in free bets today


Matched Deposit Bonus The bookie matches your deposit with free bets of the same value. 100% Matched Bonus up to £50
Sports and Casino Sign Up Package You can claim sports free bets and free spins to play in the bookie’s casino Bet £10 Get £40 Free Bets & 50 Free Spins
Enhanced Odds on a Special Event Joining and placing a bet on the Anthony Joshua fight gets you odds of 50/1 50/1 on Joshua to Beat Wilder (Max Stake £1)

Here are some of our favourite sign up offers from our best-rated bookies. All these sites have a great range of betting options with good deposit methods and few payment restrictions on free bets stakes.

  1. BetMGM – Bet £10 to bag £60 in free bets at one of the UK’s most impressive sports betting sites.
  2. Spreadex – Wager £10 to bag £40 in free bets at the top spread betting and fixed odds bookie out there.
  3. Tote – Bet £10 to get £50 in bonuses, which includes £40 in free sports bets/credits and 50 bonus spins in the casino.

Risk-Free Bets

One of the more common free bets UK players will see these days, risk free sports bets are worth looking at. If you win your bet, you’re home and dry – but if you lose, the bookie will provide something in return. The terminology notwithstanding (all bets carry risk), these can be good deals.

Risk-Free Bet Offer Types Description Example
Partial Money Back as Free Bet Get half your losses back as a free bet. 50% Back as a Free Bet
Stake Refund If your very first bet loses, the bookie refunds your stake as a free bet. Up to £20 back as a Free Bet if Your First Wager is a Loser
First-Day Losses Back as Free Bet You may also be entitled to receive your first-day losses back up to a set amount as a free bet. Up to £50 of First Day Losses Back

Not all betting companies offer deposit offers in the form of wager deposit deals or free bets. These new customer offers are a good option, however, given you can get something back if you lose.

  1. Paddy Power – Bet £10 and get it back as cash if it loses at this much-celebrated Irish bookmaker.
  2. Bet Goodwin – You can claim 50% of first-day losses back as a free bet up to £25 at one of our favourite horse racing betting sites.
  3. betway – Get a £30 matched free bet if your first Acca loses.

Free Bet Clubs

These are among the best free bet offers for existing customers, as they tend to reward punters who stick around. Here are some examples you’ll find at top-rated bookies around the country.

Free Bet Club Types Description Example
Wagering Loyalty Clubs Earn free bets by wagering a set amount each week. Bet £50 each week to receive a £10 free bet on a huge range of betting markets.
Football Acca Loyalty Club Get a free bet every week when you place a number of accumulator bets. £20 free Acca bet when you place 3 x £10 accas at 4+ legs or more.
Racing Free Bet Club Earn cashback on horse racing losing bets every Monday. Bet £40 or more on racing to receive up to 50% back on your losses.

Free bet clubs are a great way of rewarding loyal customers with something extra. Here are some of our favourites.

  1. QuinnBet – Get a £10 free bet the following week when you place a qualifying wager of £10 on their “create a bet” tool.
  2. 888Sport – Earn a £5 free bet every week when you wager £20 on multiples bets with 3+ legs.
  3. Fitzdares – Wager £70 or more on 7+ bets at 2.0 or more to get a free £10 bet every week.

Horse Racing Free Bets

Free horse racing bets are available to claim at UK betting sites. These offers can often vary according to the type of bet placed to qualify for them, while others are provided as long as minimum odds and other T&Cs are met.

Horse Racing Free Bet Types Description Example
Free Festival Bet When You Bet on Multis Receive a free bet when you wager on multiple bets. Free £5 bet on Cheltenham Gold Cup when you wager £10 or more on doubles, trebles, or accumulators.
Second Place Refund Get a free bet if your horse finishes second or third to the SP favourite at the Grand National. If your horse finishes second, get stake back as a free bet up to £50.
Returns Boost as Free Bet Place a Lucky 15 bet and receive a returns boost in the form of a free bet. 25% on returns from Lucky 15 wager back as a free bet.

There are several betting offers horse racing punters can avail themselves of at top bookies. Much more than the examples you see above, or the welcome offers provided by these sites. Here are a few of our favourite free bets offers for horse racing right now.

  1. QuinnBet – Get a free bet up to £50 as an Acca bonus based on a percentage of your winning horse racing accumulator bet.
  2. Bet Goodwin – This offer allows you to claim up to a £100 free bet if beaten by a nose in selected races.
  3. StarSports – Claim 50% of your money back as a free bet if your horse finishes second in any live ITV horse racing event.

Free Football Bets

Some deals at football betting sites allow you to bet free in the knowledge that you’re getting something extra on top of great odds and markets. While there are several free bet promotions and offers for football, new customer deals are often more generic – it’s the existing customer offers that are typically better at United Kingdom Gambling Commission sites.

Free Football Bets Types Description Example
Acca Free Bets These football market bet offers provide free bets if you don’t win your acca. Claim a free bet if one of your 5+ acca legs loses.
Free Bet Builder Offers Sometimes awarded as part of a bookie’s welcome package, or for loyalty. Free £10 Bet Builder when you wager £50 on EPL football matches.
In-Play Free Bets You can sometimes claim a free bet to use in-play if you place a pre-match wager on the same game. Bet £20 before kick-off to get a £10 in-play free bet.

You’ll find a wide range of offers at top football betting apps and sites. From price boosts and bonuses on bet winnings to Acca insurance and live bets, it’s good to shop around for top deals. Here are some of our favourite sites with top bonuses and football betting markets for the EPL and other competitions.

  1. BetUK – Bet £10 Get £30 in free bets today with one of the best football betting sites in the UK.
  2. BetStorm – Get a £30 free bet for football or other qualifying markets when you bet £10 at BetStorm.
  3. Spreadex – Bet £10 and get £40 in football free bets or those in other eligible markets at one of our favourite football betting sites.

Free Bets No Deposit

No deposit free bets can enhance your betting experience by allowing you to place wagers without the need for a qualifying deposit. It’s very rare these days to find no deposit free bets offers as part of a welcome package. Although this might be the case, you can get free bet credits with no deposit as an existing customer.

No Deposit Bets Types Description Example
No Deposit Free Bet Straight-up free bet without having to deposit your own money. £5 free bet on any Premier League match.
Free No Deposit Bet on Mobile Download a bookie’s mobile app and register to receive a ND bet. Get a £2.50 no deposit free bet when you download and sign up via the app.
Promotional No Deposit Bet Get a no deposit sports free bet for taking part in a competition. Spin the wheel each day for a chance to win up to a £20 free bet with no deposit.

These offers give you a chance to win real cash, although you’ll need to meet minimum odds requirements to qualify. Upon bet settlement, you’ll see how much the free bet pays as winnings you can then potentially turn into more wagers.

Again, finding no deposit offers for sports is a tough ask these days. But here are some sites with a lot of value in their welcome offers.

  1. Betfred – Get £50 in Free Bets When You Bet £10
  2. Fitzdares – Bet £50 and Get £25 in Free Bets + 10 Free Spins
  3. BetMGM – Bet £10 and Get £60 in Free Bets

Betting Apps & Mobile Free Bets Today

When betting sites offer free bets for new customers, they have both mobile and desktop users in mind. Sometimes, a bookie may provide a free bet offer that is only available on mobile or through their native app.

For instance, LeoVegas’ free bets online deal lets you claim a 100% profit boost of up to £100 of winnings on your first bet. But you must sign up using your smartphone or alternative mobile device to get it. These kinds of free bet offers are rare to find but do exist.

How to Withdraw Free Bet Winnings

When you win your free bets, in most cases, the total sum of those wins is credited to your betting account. As long as there are no restrictions – such as ID verification or wagering requirements on the winnings – withdrawing your money is easy.

1. Head to the Withdrawal Tab

This is usually found in the cashier section on the site. However, there may also be a separate withdrawal tab available depending on the bookie you bet with.

Free Bets Withdrawl 1

2. Enter the Amount to Withdraw

Type or tap how much you wish to withdraw into the box provided on the site.

Free Bets Withdrawal Step 1

3. Choose Your Withdrawal Method

Most UKGC bookies operate a closed-loop policy whereby you must withdraw using the same card or alternative banking option used to fund the account. If you have verified more than one, select where you want your winnings to go. Also, you may be required to upload documents for verification on your first withdrawal.

Free Bets Withdrawal Step 2

4. Press Withdraw

Check that all the details are correct. When you’re happy, hit the withdrawal button – this may generate a message letting you know when to expect your funds!

Free Bets Withdrawal Step 4

Understanding the Terms and Conditions of Free Bets

Always make sure to read T&Cs for any types of deals you’re considering claiming. They are always available to view with free bets on sign up, usually via a link in the small print. Here’s a breakdown of what to look for.

  • Promo Code – Punters can miss out on free sports bets by forgetting to enter required betting promo codes during the sign-up process. Not all free bets online require a code, however!
  • Minimum Deposit & Qualifying Bet – You might be required to place a qualifying bet stake of £10 or more to activate the free bet offer. if this is high, compare with other betting sites free bets deals.
  • Minimum Odds – Qualifying UK free bets/new customer deals usually have minimum odds for bet stakes. These are often odds of Evens or under but it depends on the offer.
  • Payment Method Exclusions – Some sites have payment exclusions barring the likes of Skrill or Neteller from offers including free bets football deals or other bonus bets. Deposit using an accepted option, such as a debit card, to get your free bet in the UK.
  • Stakes Not Returned – Free bet stakes are not typically included in any bookies free bets winnings, so plan for this.
  • Specific Events – Some free bet offers for existing customers, for example, apply only to specific sports events like Royal Ascot in horse racing or certain sports such as rugby league or tennis. These are free bets UK punters should check T&Cs for.
  • Expiry Date – Qualifying bets generally carry a 7-day expiry to 30-day expiry date. When you sign up for free bets, use them before they expire.

Can I Cash Out Free Bet Winnings?

The short answer is that it depends on the free bet promotions T&Cs. Many free bet offers UK punters claim will allow you cash out winnings immediately after they are credited to your account.

Adam Creagh profile-image
Adam Creagh

Manage Your Bankroll Alongside Free Bets

It’s always a good idea to learn smart bankroll management skills when dealing with multiple free bet winnings.

On the other hand, some free bet offers may require play-through before winnings are released for withdrawal. Although rare, sites may insist that you can only cash out once the winnings have been turned over twice, for example.

How We Rank The Best Free Bets Offers

With so many freebies on offer, it can be difficult to know which deals are best for you. However, just like you will find in our reviews of the best betting sites, we have put together a key list of criteria we use to judge these special offers.

  1. Qualifying Criteria

    With free bets no deposit deals being exceptionally rare, new customer offers generally involve being rewarded for making your first deposit or placing an opening wager. Furthermore, there are always qualifying requirements, such as minimum deposits and minimum qualifying bets. And if that number is high then you have to weigh up how much the free bet is compared to how much you will need to spend to get it!
  2. Types of Qualifying Bets

    Many new customer offers require you to place just one single bet in order to qualify. However, some sites require you to place an accumulator with at least three or four selections, which decreases the chances of it being successful.
  3. Wagering Requirements

    Some deposit match deals can net you three-figure bonuses but the downside is that hefty wagering requirements are almost always attached. For instance, at FansBet you can net a 200% deposit up to £200. However, just depositing £100 is not enough as there is a 10x wagering requirement in order to unlock your bonus. This means you would have to place bets totalling an eye-watering £1,000 to qualify!
  4. Payment Method Restrictions

    Many new customer deals come with payment restrictions attached, which means that you will only qualify if you deposit using a particular payment method. Debit card deposits are always allowed, so these restrictions will not affect a huge amount of bettors. However, if you’re a fan of other methods such as PayPal, Neteller, Paysafecard and Skrill, you should always check if you can pay money in this way and still qualify.
  5. Mobile-Only Deals

    Many free bet offers are mobile-only deals that sportsbooks use to help publicise their betting apps, and often these offers are very generous, such as BetUK’s “Bet £10, Get £30” deal.

Bottom Line

Free bets can be a great way to improve your chances of winning at online betting sites. Whether it’s free football bets or deposit match offers that allow you to wager on any sport, compare them to find the best deal.

You can find tons of top-rated free bet promotions and sign-up offers at the top of this page. Remember, you can also claim multiple deals when you register with two or more bookies. While it’s always good to have such options, we also recommend learning about responsible gambling tools when betting online.

Best Free Bet Deal for September 2024

BetMGM logo
Bet £10 And Get £60 In Free Bets
Profit boosts galore available through Golden Acca, Golden Boost and Golden Silks deals across football and horse racing.
Claim Bonus
Apply your code at BetMGM and enjoy your new bonus
New cust only. 7 days to opt in by placing a £10 qualifying bet at 1/1 (2.0) odds or greater to receive 6x Free Bets: 3 x £10 horse racing, 1 x £10 Bet Builder, 1 x £10 Acca and 1 x £10 football. 7 day expiry. Exclusions apply. Stake not returned. 18+. T&Cs apply. 18+


What is a free bet?

How can I qualify for a free bet?

Who is giving free bets?

Can I claim multiple welcome offers?

Are there terms and conditions attached to free bets?

Where can I find out how to use free bets?

Scott Adler
Scott Adler
Scott Adler

Scott Lang is a sports betting and strategy specialist with experience writing for a number of publications during a 20-year career. An expert in football and golf, Scott also has a passion for American sport, particularly the NBA and NFL.

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